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PNM Welcome Round Video

Please read these instructions all the way through before you submit a video.

Our chapters are excited to get to know you better through this video, so please be your true, authentic self! The chapters want to see the real you and want to get to know your personality. We recommend that you dress in something that makes you feel comfortable, maybe something similar to what you might wear to a dinner with friends. There is no dress code. This is completely optional, but highly encouraged as it gives chapters a chance to get to know you beyond your recruitment application!  

Videos are limited to 75 seconds, maximum. You may only submit one video. Once the video is submitted it is final. If your video does not adhere to the timeframe and additional guidelines outlined below, it will not be accepted by Miami Panhellenic and will not be shared with chapters. If there is an issue with your submission or you are in need of accommodations please contact Panhellenic at




The purpose of this video is to introduce yourself  to the chapters. In the video, please state your full name, hometown and hometown state. Then, respond to 2-4 of the prompts from the list below.


  1. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 

  2. What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment thus far?

  3. How can you incorporate your personal values into the sorority experience?

  4. Tell us about a person, quote, or experience that inspires you. 

  5. Tell us something about yourself that someone might be surprised to learn. 

  6. What is something you have always wanted to learn more about? 

  7. Tell us anything else you think we should know about you. 


Video Guidelines

  • Videos should be no longer than 75 seconds (one minute, 15 seconds). 

  • No props should be used. 

  • Backgrounds should be neutral—this does not mean you have to stand in front of a blank wall, but it should not be distracting (see instructions below).

  • Videos should only feature the PNM.

  • PNMs should not hire a third party to produce, film, and/or edit the video. You do not need to edit the video (i.e. add title slides, transitions, or jump cuts.

  • Please record the video horizontally. 

  • There should be no extra sound (example: music)

  • All videos are due by 11:59 PM on January 3rd, 2025, but we encourage you to submit them as soon as possible. 


Background Instructions

Pay careful attention to your background. You want to avoid several potential mistakes with your background. 

  • Avoid a cluttered or messy background (clothes on the floor, junk piled up, etc.).

  • Avoid a distracting background (posters with a lot of words, televisions turned on, ceiling fans etc.). 

  • Avoid a background that is too bright. 

  • The ideal background is simple. It does not have to be a blank wall, but it should be something that will not take attention away from what you are saying!


Video Upload Instructions

It is extremely important that you upload you submit your video properly. View the following document for more specific information on how to upload your video: PNM Video Upload Instructions

Before you upload the file or drag and drop your file, you must save the file name to be your Council PNM ID, legal last, and first name. If the file name is not saved to your Council PNM ID, legal last, and first name we will not know who you are! Example: 12SmithJane​ Then you must log into your Miami Google Account and upload the video into your Google drive. From there you will COPY AND PASTE your video link into the form below. 


Once you have reviewed the instructions, please use this google form link to submit your video


All videos submitted by PNMs will be reviewed by Miami Panhellenic Association executive board members. Once reviewed and approved by the executive board, PNM videos will be released to chapters via a link. 

Contact Panhellenic with any questions, concerns or accommodation requests at


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