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For Parents

Check out the video below for more information about Panhellenic primary recruitment!

Q. My daughter is considering joining a sorority. What’s it all about?
A. Although there are countless movies and TV shows that portray sorority and fraternity life, most of the time, these are extreme exaggerations based on stereotypes. In reality, joining a sorority at Miami University is one of the best ways for your daughter to get involved and find her niche at this university. Not only does sorority membership provide instant opportunities for service and leadership positions, but most women at Miami University describe their sorority experience as being their “home away from home,” and their sorority sisters as being some of their best friends.


In short, joining a sorority is not about wild parties and drinking (or other shallow stereotypes)– it’s about making lifelong friendships, a commitment to service, academic excellence, and much, much more. We encourage you and your daughter to read through this website as well as the websites of our individual chapters to get a better feel for what sorority life at Miami University is all about.

Q. Aren’t sororities expensive?

A. Many clubs and organizations at Miami University have yearly or semesterly dues to help pay for their events and activities for their members. Sororities are no different, with dues being used to pay for the upkeep of the chapter’s suite, community service events, scholarships, intramurals, and many of the social events offered. Annual membership dues vary per chapter, but an estimated range is anywhere from $350 to $800 each semester.


During Primary Recruitment, chapters will disclose their financial expectations to Potential New Members before extending an invitation to join. You can also find details about each chapter's dues on their individual chapter page.


Additionally, most of our sororities’ national organizations offer various scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study. Should your daughter join a chapter, we highly encourage her to apply for these awards! 

Q. What are the housing requirements in joining a sorority?
A. There are no housing requirements to join a sorority. However, sororities welcome and encourage their members to live in the chapter’s respective residence hall in Central Quad during their sophomore year. The selection process to live on the floor varies chapter to chapter. Sororities do not live in the same location year to year. 

Q. Will my daughter by hazed if she joins a sorority?
A. Absolutely not. The Panhellenic Association has worked very hard to eradicate hazing at Miami University. This matter is taken very seriously and any reports of any type of hazing (like making a member feel uncomfortable for any reason) will result in severe, immediate consequences for the chapter. We are proud of our firm stance against hazing, it is not tolerated under any circumstance.


Should your daughter feel that she is being hazed, we encourage her to contact the Vice President of Standards and report it immediately. The Panhellenic Association and the Office of Community Standards will immediately and fully investigate any allegations of hazing.

Q. What is a legacy?
A. Although every chapter’s individual definition varies, typically, a legacy is the daughter, granddaughter, or sister of a woman in a sorority. Thus, if you or your daughter’s sister or grandmother is a member of one of our 17 National Panhellenic sororities, she is considered a legacy of that organization. Some chapters also include aunts, step-mothers, and other relationships in their legacy definition.


Many chapters no longer have a legacy policy, meaning no special consideration is given to women who are legacies. For more information, please visit our Recommendation Information page.

Q. Where can I send letters of recommendation?
A. Please visit our Recommendation Information page for more information. 

Q. I wasn’t Greek in college – where can I learn more?
A. We encourage you to look through this website as well as the pages of our individual chapters to get a better feel for what sorority life is like here at Miami University.


Additionally, the Miami University Cliff Alexander Office for Fraternity and Sorority Life has broader information about Miami University Greek life on their website.


For more general information about sorority membership, visit the National Panhellenic Conference’s website. Finally, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions that still haven’t been answered.


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