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The Role of Panhellenic

The Miami University Panhellenic Association is the coordinating body for activities that promote the common interests of all sororities on Miami's campus.  


It embraces each of the Five Pillars it stands for; scholarship and learning, service and philanthropy, leadership and values, community, and sisterhood. Each school year, sorority women participate in programming events that aid in the development of each of these values.  The programs for members range from health and safety initiatives, to educational programs and community service activities.

Panhellenic also works with the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), the Interfraternity Council IFC, and the Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life to host signature programs each year. These include: Greek Week (a week long celebration of the FSL community), Acropolis (an off-campus emerging leaders retreat), and Greek Spring Service (a large day of service)!  


The Panhellenic Association also sponsors and coordinates Miami's Sorority Recruitment process, and is the unifying, governing, and coordinating body of the sorority community. 


Executive Board Elections

     The Panhellenic Executive Board is comprised of 9 women elected by the delegates of the 18 member chapters. Elections are held each Fall semester.  The Executive Board's term lasts one calendar year, from Bid Day in January until the following year. 

     Active sorority women from any PA chapter, including associate member chapters, complete a written application, which is reviewed by the current Panhellenic Executive Board, chapter presidents and Panhellenic delegates. They select a group of women to be interviewed by the current position holder and presidents/delegates from various chapters. The top candidates are then invited to give a speech to and take questions from all delegates and presidents. Finally, the delegates and presidents analyze the slate of candidates, and the delegates vote on the next Panhellenic Executive Board in the slating order outlined in our Panhellenic Constitution and Bylaws.


     Each Panhellenic chapter may only be represented once on the Panhellenic Executive Board. This means once a woman is chosen to serve in a particular position, no one else from her chapter may be chosen further down the slate.

The Board of Directors are interviewed and appointed by the incoming Executive Board. Multiple women from one chapter can serve on the Board of Directors.


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