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A Note from the President 

Claire Ogden
Claire Ogden Headshot.jpeg

Hello and welcome to the Miami University Panhellenic website!


Thank you for taking the time to visit the Miami University Panhellenic website! I hope you get to learn a little bit more about the role our community plays on Miami’s campus. As well as why the Panhellenic Association is special to so many in Oxford, Ohio. I am honored to lead such an incredible group of women and many outstanding chapters.


Our community is made up of 18 unique chapters that exemplify what it means to be a Panhellenic woman. Our community is built on the pillars of scholarship and learning, service and philanthropy, leadership, community, and sisterhood. Our chapters uphold these pillars every day by providing programming and being a support system for its members. Panhellenic chapters exemplify through words and actions what it means to have true sisterhood. Members are not only involved in their own chapters, but are a part of organizations all across campus.


The 18 chapters of Miami Panhellenic are a part of our larger Miami Greek Life community. Our Greek community is made up of four governing councils. Meaning that our community is made up of the Interfraternity Council, the Multicultural Greek Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, along with the Panhellenic Association. The Greek community spans all over campus and is continuously growing, allowing for the opportunity to meet and connect with others different from yourself. 


My journey through Panhellenic has changed my life and college experience drastically. I went through the formal recruitment process in 2021 searching for a sense of belonging. During this process three of the four recruitment rounds took place on zoom. My only friend at the time was my roommate who was also going through the formal recruitment process. Of course this led to close quarter zooms, and worries about what others thought of me. 


Through formal recruitment, I eventually found my forever home in Alpha Delta Pi. This is where I met my big sister Juliana who made me feel valued and loved. She encouraged me to make new friends and is one of the reasons I am in the leadership position I am today. From that point forward an entire Panhellenic community made campus feel like a place I belong. I met friends within my own chapter, but then also had the opportunity to meet women from other chapters in class and around campus. The Panhellenic women I know and continue to meet inspire me daily. Through the support of the Panhellenic women around me, I then decided to run for the Panhellenic Vice President of Service and Philanthropy where I had the opportunity to make a larger impact in the community. Then eventually felt empowered to run for Panhellenic President. These days it's hard to walk to class without waving at someone I have met from my Miami Greek life experience. 


The opportunities that the Panhellenic Association has given me are irreplaceable. From this organization I have met the women that feel like home to me, women that continue to inspire me every single day, and gained the opportunity to grow as an empathetic leader. This community is the reason why I am the strong unique woman I am today. I am so grateful to give back and lead a community that has done so much for me. It is my hope that you also find a home in this community of endless opportunities and support. 


To the women of the Panhellenic Community, thank you for your support and encouragement! Your love and support for the community is what keeps the Panhellenic Association so rewarding. I am so excited for an incredible year!


Love & Honor,

Claire Ogden

2024 Panhellenic President

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